When we look at the nature of an object we can see obvious patterns of complimentarity. God has stamped this complimentary into creation. We, along with all of creation, are designed to receive and give. The seed is sown into the soil. The positive and negative charges come together. The shape of an object matter. Shape communicates meaning. A line, for example. The lines that make up the letter 'A' matter. Otherwise, it is not an 'A.' The letter 'A' communicates a reality, a message, a meaning, a value! The male and female bodies are shaped to communicate a reality, a message, a meaning. They fit together; they compliment one another. This is God's design. The biology of the human body does matter significantly because the human body, precisely through our sexual complimentarity, is shaped to community an eternal reality. And, the complimentarity of the human body allows for human life to continue.
Regardless of where we are psycho-sexually, the obvious truth about the complimentary nature of the human body and it's connection to human life and social stability are stamped into the created order. No matter how hard we may try, nobody's opinion can change this objective reality. Confusion regarding sexual identity due to same-sex attractions do not change what simple is. Biologically, we are male or female, but psychologically people may struggle with attractions to the same sex. This does not mean that people have to act out these misplaced / disordered attractions in a physical or genital manner. Two women or two men can be very good friends. And, they can share this friendship on many levels, but their intimacy can never be genital. To do so would contradict the order which God has stamped into creation. This would indicate a misunderstanding of the purpose of one's body. The primary purpose of our bodies is to communicate love. The genital communication of love is expressed only in a marriage covenant for the reason of bonding and babies! The physical communion with is only possible between a man and woman creates a bond from which new life is invited. Every time a man and a woman express their love physically, they are, by their design, inviting God to create new life; a privilege, honor, and great responsibly. Children are to be humbly and reverently received as Gifts from God. Children are NOT to be treated as commodities that we may want or not. Marriage is a vocation of service where a man and woman decide to give up their lives so their children can have life. Contraception and Abortion foster a mentality where children are seen as inconvenient burdens to my life. Marriage is a man and woman's path to heaven if lived out. To reject the real meaning of our sexuality, which is selfless, life-giving love, and to redefine sexuality as something I use to maximize pleasure, is to abandon one's path to heaven.
Those who carry the cross of same sex attraction are just as precious to God as everyone else. It's perfectly OK for us to admit to our imperfections. Everyone has imperfections. But, it makes no sense to justify a disordered action because one feels attracted to disordered behaviors. It would be crazy for us to justify alcoholism because we don't want the alcoholic to feel bad. God's love does not change because we admit to our disorders. What's wrong with admitting that we have disorders? One of the biggest lies is that you can't be loved unless your perfect. We know this in our heads, but deep within our sub-conscious is this shame of imperfection. Perhaps we need to re-examine the nature of love. Also, there's another dominate lie in our culture regarding the whole same sex "marriage" arguments. Sex is not a personal need. You do not have to have sex to find fulfillment in life. Water, food, and shelter are personal needs. Intimacy is a personal need. But, sex? Sex is a communal need. If we don't have sex we won't die. People need authentic intimacy but not sex. Sex can be one expression of intimacy but not necessarily. In fact, today sex is treated as a form of entertainment. Sex is gives by God to be a sacred exchange between a man and a woman who have committed to living together in marriage until death. This commitment is necessary for the couples good and for the procreation and education of their children in authentic love. This is what forms good and virtuous citizens of society. The family is the fundamental cell of society and children justly deserve to be attached to their parents. Children would not have been issued forth from the one flesh union of a man and a woman, by nature, if God would have thought that it was not necessary for their formation as human beings.
We cannot rewire what we are not free to rewire without detrimentally effecting society. Authentic law must respect the natural order. Those who fight against nature will always lose. Just as the shape of a letter matter for their to be authentic communication, so also the shape/biology of the human body matter for their to be authentic sexual/genital communication. Certain letter come together to make a word. Our human bodies matter because God designed our male and female bodies to communicate a great mystery. The spousal union literally draws heaven to earth. When a man and woman become one flesh, there is always the possibility for God to touch earth by infusing an immortal soul into the womb of the woman. Only man and woman have spousal capacity because only a man and a woman's bodies can become one flesh. A community of persons / the family is formed through the one flesh union. Only a man and a woman in their one flesh union can make manifest the eternal mystery of God who is a communion of persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Only a man and a woman in their one flesh union can make visible the intimacy of the love between Christ, the bridegroom, and his Bride, the Church. Only a man and a woman can express the new covenant which God established in his one flesh union with humanity at the Eucharist. The Bridegroom, Christ, gives his body, blood, souls and divinity to his Bride, the Church. In essence, the biology of the human body has eternal significance. The male and female body is given this complimentary capacity to communicate eternal realities. If you were an enemy of God's plan for sexuality what would you attack? How would you confuse and keep the world from seeing the eternal plan? You would attack the sign of the eternal design! The human body!
Which images makes sense: Sorry to be so blatant, but I don't know how else to make the obvious obvious. This isn't meant to be sarcastic, but this is the sad reality we are dealing with today. Yes, there people hurting from same sex attraction, but is doesn't help anyone to legally validate as right what is obviously wrong. Science and reason can draw these conclusions very clearly. As Christians, we can never simply dismiss the order which God has placed in creation. There is a meaning and purpose for the order God has given to creation. The solution is living a life of purity and chastity. This simply means that we all respect God's plan for sex. It does not mean that two men or two women cannot be very good friends. Being friends is possible, but it is never possible for two men or two women to become spousal. Nature does not allow it to be so. Those who struggle with homosexuality are called to be chaste just as those that are heterosexual and aren't married. Again, the end purpose of the sexual bond is primarily ordered toward the procreation and education of children.
One might ask about those that are beyond child bearing years. It needs to be stated that 'in principle' a man and a woman are principally capable of having children. Two men and two women are never 'in principle' able to have children. Therefore, they cannot marry because they cannot express spousal love. Why? because the biology of their bodies are not, by nature's design, complimentary.
Today we are blinded from seeing the obvious because we are willing to be liked rather than see the obvious. Ultimately, this is a issue of very low self esteem. We are so afraid to not be liked that we compromise the obvious. Those who stand for science and biology are considered to be intolerant cruel bigots. What one thinks and feels has no bearing on what truly is. The biology of the human body will be what it is no matter how much we think and feel it doesn't matter. If we don't stand for truth, then society will crumble. Two men and two women cannot build society because no new life can come from them. Their trying to become one flesh is foolishly shameful and makes absolutely no sense.
Regardless of where we are psycho-sexually, the obvious truth about the complimentary nature of the human body and it's connection to human life and social stability are stamped into the created order. No matter how hard we may try, nobody's opinion can change this objective reality. Confusion regarding sexual identity due to same-sex attractions do not change what simple is. Biologically, we are male or female, but psychologically people may struggle with attractions to the same sex. This does not mean that people have to act out these misplaced / disordered attractions in a physical or genital manner. Two women or two men can be very good friends. And, they can share this friendship on many levels, but their intimacy can never be genital. To do so would contradict the order which God has stamped into creation. This would indicate a misunderstanding of the purpose of one's body. The primary purpose of our bodies is to communicate love. The genital communication of love is expressed only in a marriage covenant for the reason of bonding and babies! The physical communion with is only possible between a man and woman creates a bond from which new life is invited. Every time a man and a woman express their love physically, they are, by their design, inviting God to create new life; a privilege, honor, and great responsibly. Children are to be humbly and reverently received as Gifts from God. Children are NOT to be treated as commodities that we may want or not. Marriage is a vocation of service where a man and woman decide to give up their lives so their children can have life. Contraception and Abortion foster a mentality where children are seen as inconvenient burdens to my life. Marriage is a man and woman's path to heaven if lived out. To reject the real meaning of our sexuality, which is selfless, life-giving love, and to redefine sexuality as something I use to maximize pleasure, is to abandon one's path to heaven.
Those who carry the cross of same sex attraction are just as precious to God as everyone else. It's perfectly OK for us to admit to our imperfections. Everyone has imperfections. But, it makes no sense to justify a disordered action because one feels attracted to disordered behaviors. It would be crazy for us to justify alcoholism because we don't want the alcoholic to feel bad. God's love does not change because we admit to our disorders. What's wrong with admitting that we have disorders? One of the biggest lies is that you can't be loved unless your perfect. We know this in our heads, but deep within our sub-conscious is this shame of imperfection. Perhaps we need to re-examine the nature of love. Also, there's another dominate lie in our culture regarding the whole same sex "marriage" arguments. Sex is not a personal need. You do not have to have sex to find fulfillment in life. Water, food, and shelter are personal needs. Intimacy is a personal need. But, sex? Sex is a communal need. If we don't have sex we won't die. People need authentic intimacy but not sex. Sex can be one expression of intimacy but not necessarily. In fact, today sex is treated as a form of entertainment. Sex is gives by God to be a sacred exchange between a man and a woman who have committed to living together in marriage until death. This commitment is necessary for the couples good and for the procreation and education of their children in authentic love. This is what forms good and virtuous citizens of society. The family is the fundamental cell of society and children justly deserve to be attached to their parents. Children would not have been issued forth from the one flesh union of a man and a woman, by nature, if God would have thought that it was not necessary for their formation as human beings.
We cannot rewire what we are not free to rewire without detrimentally effecting society. Authentic law must respect the natural order. Those who fight against nature will always lose. Just as the shape of a letter matter for their to be authentic communication, so also the shape/biology of the human body matter for their to be authentic sexual/genital communication. Certain letter come together to make a word. Our human bodies matter because God designed our male and female bodies to communicate a great mystery. The spousal union literally draws heaven to earth. When a man and woman become one flesh, there is always the possibility for God to touch earth by infusing an immortal soul into the womb of the woman. Only man and woman have spousal capacity because only a man and a woman's bodies can become one flesh. A community of persons / the family is formed through the one flesh union. Only a man and a woman in their one flesh union can make manifest the eternal mystery of God who is a communion of persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Only a man and a woman in their one flesh union can make visible the intimacy of the love between Christ, the bridegroom, and his Bride, the Church. Only a man and a woman can express the new covenant which God established in his one flesh union with humanity at the Eucharist. The Bridegroom, Christ, gives his body, blood, souls and divinity to his Bride, the Church. In essence, the biology of the human body has eternal significance. The male and female body is given this complimentary capacity to communicate eternal realities. If you were an enemy of God's plan for sexuality what would you attack? How would you confuse and keep the world from seeing the eternal plan? You would attack the sign of the eternal design! The human body!
Which images makes sense: Sorry to be so blatant, but I don't know how else to make the obvious obvious. This isn't meant to be sarcastic, but this is the sad reality we are dealing with today. Yes, there people hurting from same sex attraction, but is doesn't help anyone to legally validate as right what is obviously wrong. Science and reason can draw these conclusions very clearly. As Christians, we can never simply dismiss the order which God has placed in creation. There is a meaning and purpose for the order God has given to creation. The solution is living a life of purity and chastity. This simply means that we all respect God's plan for sex. It does not mean that two men or two women cannot be very good friends. Being friends is possible, but it is never possible for two men or two women to become spousal. Nature does not allow it to be so. Those who struggle with homosexuality are called to be chaste just as those that are heterosexual and aren't married. Again, the end purpose of the sexual bond is primarily ordered toward the procreation and education of children.
One might ask about those that are beyond child bearing years. It needs to be stated that 'in principle' a man and a woman are principally capable of having children. Two men and two women are never 'in principle' able to have children. Therefore, they cannot marry because they cannot express spousal love. Why? because the biology of their bodies are not, by nature's design, complimentary.
Today we are blinded from seeing the obvious because we are willing to be liked rather than see the obvious. Ultimately, this is a issue of very low self esteem. We are so afraid to not be liked that we compromise the obvious. Those who stand for science and biology are considered to be intolerant cruel bigots. What one thinks and feels has no bearing on what truly is. The biology of the human body will be what it is no matter how much we think and feel it doesn't matter. If we don't stand for truth, then society will crumble. Two men and two women cannot build society because no new life can come from them. Their trying to become one flesh is foolishly shameful and makes absolutely no sense.